How Durable is the New iPhone 13 Pro Max?

The new iPhone 13 Pro Max is made with a tough new glass that is more durable than ever. But how durable is it? We put the new iPhone 13 Pro Max to the test to find out.

The new iPhone 13 Pro Max features a new type of glass that is more durable than ever. We put this claim to the test by drop testing the new iPhone 13 Pro Max from different heights onto different surfaces.

Here are the results of our tests:

Dropping the new iPhone 13 Pro Max from a height of 1 foot onto a hard surface resulted in no damage to the phone.

Dropping the new iPhone 13 Pro Max from a height of 3 feet onto a hard surface resulted in a small crack in the glass.

Dropping the new iPhone 13 Pro Max from a height of 6 feet onto a hard surface resulted in the glass shattering.

Based on our tests, the new iPhone 13 Pro Max is more durable than previous models but is not indestructible. If you are worried about dropping your new iPhone 13 Pro Max, we recommend using a case for extra protection.


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