How long do biodegradable phone cases last?

We all love our phones, and we all want to keep them safe. But what about when they start to show signs of wear and tear? One option is to get a new case, but what if that case is made of plastic?

Nowadays, there are plenty of sustainable and eco-friendly phone cases on the market, made of materials like bamboo, cork, and even biodegradable plastic. But how long do these biodegradable phone cases actually last?

Here, we take a look at the lifespan of biodegradable phone cases, and whether they're really worth the investment.

Biodegradable phone cases are made of plant-based materials, like corn starch or PLA plastic. These materials will break down over time, eventually becoming compost.

The lifespan of a biodegradable phone case depends on a few factors, like the materials it's made of and how often it's used. Generally speaking, most biodegradable phone cases will last for around six months to a year.

However, if you use your phone case regularly, or if it's made of thinner materials, it may only last for a few months. And if you don't take care of it, or if it gets damaged, the lifespan will be even shorter.

So, is a biodegradable phone case worth the investment?

We think so! Not only will you be doing your bit for the environment, but you'll also be getting a phone case that looks great and protects your phone.

 Plus, when it does eventually break down, you can compost it and know that you're not harming the planet.


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